

Microchanneling will keep your skin looking and feeling younger by activating your bodys natural regenerative ability to help tighten and lift skin, while minimizing many common problems such as Fine Line Wrinkles acne scar/surgical scar sun damage /Dark Spots Hyperpigmentation, firm, tightens & tones skin virtually no Downtime. Microchanneling Stimulates your body’s natural ability to generate new healthy skin rather then utilizing destructive and inflammatory techniques like many treatments in the aesthetic industry. This results in a more enjoyable treatment, virtually non-existent downtime, and happier skin. Microchanneling can also improve the overall health of your skin by stimulating the rejuvenation cascade for new collagen production. You age ,visibly and invisibly, every day. Sun Damage, internal inflammation, chemicals and even gravity all work against the youthful vitality of your skin. As we get old, our ability to repair this constant damage diminishes dramatically. Since fewer regenerative stem cells survive to carry on that work, slower, less robust healing and greater levels of inflammation are inevitable, resulting in the skin blemishes that become more and more pronounced as you age. 

$300 & Up

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